Are you wondering why ladies tend to prefer big penises to small ones? The following explanations would give you an understanding on why ladies can't help but love bigger penises.
Explanation 1 - An erect big penis is far more visually pleasing to women than an erect average or small penis. This is to be expected, as we do not have to go through any debate. Men prefer women with pretty faces, big breasts, wide hips and big buttocks. This is something we all know so it is with women they have their own preferences when it comes to men's body parts. This particular preference just has to do with what women view as sexy. The sight of large erect penis is sure to put most women into overdrive.
Explanation 2 - Asides the fact that an erect big penis is sexually stimulating to women, the preference for a bigger penis by women also stems from the increased feeling that most women would have when having sexual intercourse with a man with a big penis. A bigger penis makes women more open to achieving orgasms. The eagerness of being penetrated by a large penis makes a woman's vagina to be extremely wet before foreplay even begins. This particular reason is why men with bigger penis are much more capable of giving women multiple orgasms even though celebrity sex therapists would have us believe that size does not matter. If you asked this question to all women that which would they prefer a man with an 8 inches penis or a man with a 5 inches penis all other things being equal, all women I MEAN ALL WOMEN would prefer the man with an 8 inches penis.
Explanation 3 - One thing that you have to understand is that the anatomy of the female genitals is totally different from the male genitals. A woman's vagina has nerves located around the walls of the vagina and deep into the vagina. Although stimulating a woman's clitoris is one way to give her an orgasm, such orgasms are short lived and with time they become boring. When a woman achieves orgasms by a combination of vaginal and clitoral stimulation by a long, thick and powerful penis, the feeling is more prolonged and much stronger and powerful than that of clitoral orgasms. The feeling of being stretched to fullest and being penetrated deeply is something that women desire with their lovers, although this is not the case as most men have average penises. Now which woman would not prefer a bigger penis that is sure to give her more pleasure in bed than a small or an average one?
Explanation 4 - One of the things women who have well endowed lovers say about their lovers is their high level of sexual confidence. This is usually very low in men with small or average penis who are constantly worrying about whether they are big enough. When you are constantly worrying about your penis size your performance in bed becomes very poor. You only leave room for problems like premature ejaculation and loss of erection to creep in.
So with all this explanations pointing to the reasoning that a bigger penis is better, you might be wondering how you can increase your penis size safely. For starters avoid anything that involves surgery. The risks and the exorbitant price are not worth the results you would get. Some men have actually succeeded in enlarging their penis safely and without paying a hefty fee to any surgeon. How did such men do it? Well I increased mine by the combination of penis enhancement exercises and a herbal penis enhancement pill. The penis enhancement exercises manually stretched and expanded my penile tissues while the herbal penis enhancement pill aided in penis growth and healed my worn out penile tissues when I exercised.
Do you want more information on how you can achieve a bigger penis size by the use of a quality herbal penis enhancement pills and penis enhancement exercises visit:
Temitayo Olatunde is passionate about educating couples both young, middle aged and old on how they can enjoy a great sex life. Visit his blog where he discusses a lot more on how to achieve an explosive sex life!
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