Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Natural Penis Enlargement FAQ

Question: How do I enlarge my penis without pills or pumps or any other harmful ways?

Answer: The only natural penis enlargement way is to use a medical traction device.

Question: How do penis enlargement device work?

Answer: They use the ancient theory of enlargement. Human body responds to stretching force by multiplying the tissues and filling up the gaps. Penis enlargement works the same way a body builder builds his body muscles. A good penis extender puts comfortable stretching force which than makes the penis respond to the stretching force by creating and multiplying the tissues. This is how a penis gets bigger and the gain is permanent.

Question: Is it safe?

Answer: Yes it is safe. The penis enlargement devices my site talks about are the safest, comfortable and medically approved type I (one) device. Extender devices put minimal stretching force for your comfort and safety.

Question: Is there any device that is developed by a doctor?

Answer: Yes there is a device that is developed by a doctor who is a penis enlargement specialist. Dr Jorn Ege Siana is the MD. Of Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery (Copenhagen Denmark) in 1994 after extensive research he developed the clinically approved, safe, medical type one device (find out more on my site). Since than the product has undergone many different clinical studies and has won the trust of thousands of doctors worldwide. Millions of clinics worldwide use his extender as a safe alternative to penis surgery.

Question: How long can it take?

Answer: Each and every human body is different. What takes a month to a person you never know, could take 3-4 months to another person. However, average users start to see the result within first 3 months.

Question: Do I have to do the exercises?

Answer: You do not always have to do the exercises but than again doing the exercises can gear up the enlargement process. However it is not mandatory at all.

Question: Do I get money back guarantee?

Answer: Each of the devices comes with a full money back guarantee if you have followed the instruction properly and wasn't able to enlarge your penis within 6 months.

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