Thursday, January 31, 2008

Safe Penis Enlargement - How Quickly Can I Get Results

First you have to watch out and make sure you are doing it safely because there are so many dangerous techniques out there. Secondly, how long is it going to take? I'll reveal all in this article.

Let me say first that we are naturally impatient. The human brain is hard wired to want thing now, or even yesterday! Look at our modern world - people get in a rage when they are stuck in traffic for two minutes. So bear this in mind when I tell you about these penis enlargement techniques.

The quickest way to enlarge your penis is to get a vacuum pump. You put it on and you can have an erection within seconds. It will be extremely hard and full. The problem is this - pumps don't enlarge your penis, they just fill it to the absolute maximum. And they're designed for old men who have problems getting an erection.

If you've bought a bump because you think it will increase your penis size then throw it in the trash now because it won't. In fact, too much rigorous pump use can be dangerous - it can cause blood vessels in your penis to break and even suck your testicles into the chamber!

Forget the pills too, they are a waste of time. Do you really think you can pop a pill and suddenly a part of your body, in this case your penis, will just grow because it wants to? Throw them in the trash.

There are penis enlargement methods out there that really do work for you and are scientifically proven. Whether it's exercises or devices or whatever, they are not "quick fixes".

You must be prepared to wait several months for improvements but they definitely work.

Think about it - imagine the amazing benefits of having a rock hard erection, improved blood flow to the penis and less risk of erectile dysfunction later in life. Be a real man and have some patience if you want some benefits.

Want to learn more secrets and get free tips on safe penis enlargement? Then commit now to becoming a real man and enroll on my free e-course at

Article Source:

For information on penis enlargement go to Penis Health.

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