It's no news: The mainstream world sees penis enlargement as fake and "complete nonsense" (as Dr. Drew from Loveline called it). Although it makes sense that many people think penis enlargement is impossible, common sense should tell you that something must be working.
The keywords "penis enlargement" bring up nearly 3 million results - a lot of information for "nonsense." The truth is, penis enlargement is very real. Just as experts in the Middle Ages swore up and down that the world was flat without any proof whatsoever, experts of our time swear that penis enlargement doesn't work. . . Again, without any proof.
Penis enlargement can be broken down into two categories: exercise and surgery. Both have proven successful, but surgery still has a long way to go before it's considered safe, effective, and worth the money (most people agree that it's none of these yet -- but it may be within 20 or so years).
This articles will go over the common penis enlargement exercises many men have used to make their penis bigger, harder & healthier.
The jelq is the backbone of every other penis enlargement exercise floating around on the Internet. Jelqing - also known as milking for its milk-like motion - is simple, but it may take a while to completely master.
The jelq exercise requires you to take an OK-grip and milk the grip towards the head of your penis. It is useful for obtaining both length and girth, although different techniques can help you obtain one of more than the other.
No one is sure where the jelq came from, or how the jelq came to be such a sought-after exercise. Rumor has it that jelquing is an ancient Arabic penis enlargement exercise, although there isn't any solid evidence for this. Jelqing techniques vary, but they all involve milking the penis.
Important note: For one reason or another, a lot of misinformed Web sites and books claim that jelqing is a "fine art of masturbating." It's not. When jelqing, you're not completely erect, and the goal is to push the blood towards the head of the penis, not to stroke it. You can learn more about the jelq in detail, how to do it effectively, why it's important, and much more with the penis enlargement book, Exercising the Penis: How to Make Your Most Prized Organ Bigger, Harder & Healthier (which can be found on
Penis stretches are most likely the oldest form of penile exercising and are useful for obtaining length. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of different ways to stretch the penis, all of which provide a unique type of stress that gradually causes growth.
Stretching is safe, although it can be dangerous if you pull too hard or grip the head of the penis. The goal is to pull hard enough to stretch the tissues in the penis, but not too hard in which you inflict pain. Finding the happy median comes with experience.
As a side note, an advanced type of stretching involves hanging weights from the penis. Again, this can be dangerous if not done properly and cautiously. That said, most doctors recommend some type of weight hanging after penis enlargement surgery.
Most men know about the Kegel. The exercise isn't new. The Kegel was discovered by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940's to help women tighten their vaginas after giving birth.
The Kegel was later found to be just as beneficial for men wanting to improve their sex lives. Yet, for one reason or another, most men skip out on the Kegel because it's the only penile exercise that doesn't directly enlarge the penis.
The Kegel is different from all the other penile exercises in that it actually contracts and strengthens real skeletal muscles - your pelvic floor muscles (commonly referred to as the PC muscle or pubococcygeus muscle). The Kegel is an indispensable exercise for any man looking to make his penis bigger, harder and healthier. Although it's mainly useful for keeping the penis healthy and fit, several men have reported a slight increase in size by using the exercise.
Once you have these basic exercises down (the jelq, the kegel, and the basic stretch), you'll want to put it all together into a workout routine. For the first few weeks, you'll want to start with a light routine. A workout lasting roughly 20 to 30 minutes, 3 days a week will be your best bet for the first two weeks. After that, you can start to gradually increase the intensity, add more time, and add more exercises.
Just like exercising your muscles, how much you gain by exercising your penis is largely based on how much you know. If your serious about making your penis bigger and harder, than it's suggested that you get the new Penis Enlargement Book, Exercising the Penis: How to Make Your Most Prized Organ Bigger, Harder & Healthier. The book will take you step-by-step through all the important processes of penile exercising. With it, you'll learn more than 30 unique exercises with easy-to-follow pictures and dozens of workout routines. You'll also also learn how to exercise safely (which is important when it comes to your "favorite organ"), avoid the common side effects, get the most out of your gains, and hundreds of other tips.
It's important to start light, or you may overtrain. It's also important to increase the intensity as time goes on, or your penis will become accustomed to the exercises and gains will slow down. Not to worry, you'll learn about all of this and more with Exercising the Penis.
Aaron "remek" Kemmer is the author of "Exercising the Penis." He has given lectures to sexual educations classes at the University of South Florida and has written about male sexual health and penile exercising for dozens of websites. He currently oversees a completely free website, The Penis Enlargement Gym (