Penis enlargement is not a phenomenon that just started now. It has been around for a long time even as far back as in ancient times. The high clamour for it today to some people is said to be as a result of the heightened and intense state of sexual activity in this present day society.
Weight hanging as a means of enlarging the penis had some popularity in several tribes of Africa and also in Egypt where they simply place hanging devices at the penis end for the purpose of stretching the penis tissues. This method only lengthens the penis and doesn't have any effect on the penis girth. This method also deprives the penis cell of adequate blood and oxygen supply.
The Chinese herbal medicine of old uses herbal medicines like Yohimbe and Ginseng to increase sexual appetite and penis size. These herbs are still contained in some penis enlargement pills and patches still produced today. The Yohimbe is known to cause high blood pressure and any penis enlargement pills that contains this herb should be discouraged.
In Ancient Arabic civilization, Arab boys used to carry out penis enlargement exercise called Jelq. Jelq penis enlargement exercise involves regular massaging of the penis in a particular manner and ensuring blood flow to the penis. This method was very common and when done correctly, you see result within one month. It require patience to achieve result with Jelq.
The penis pump technique was invented in the 20th century. The penis pump works by creating a vacuum and make the penile cell to flow with blood and thereby increasing the penis size.
All these ancient enlargement methods still function in some ways today. Knowing all these enlargement methods will help you have a good understanding about penis enlargement and help you also to know the one to choose from.
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