Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Penis Enlargement Methods - What Works?

Unfortunately, when thinking of penis enlargement people immediately think of spam emails, credit card scams and fraud. It is still true that there are people who would stop at nothing to make a quick buck by exploiting people, but the penis enlargement industry is becoming more and more legitimate as more research is done on the subject and real results are seen with legitimate products.

There aren't that many penis enlargement methods that work, although they all claim to. Here is a summary on how each method works and how effective it is.

Vacuum Pumps

The penis is sealed in an airtight container and the surrounding air is removed. This pressure pulls blood and lymphatic fluid into the penis making it bigger. It only takes a minute and the result can look really impressive.

Unfortunately, as soon as you remove the container the penis starts to revert to it's normal size. This can be slowed by fitting a ring around the base of the penis allowing it to stay bigger for a few more minutes. I don't know about you, but I (and my wife) need more than a few minutes!

Vacuum pumps are more useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction than anything else. The results aren't permanent and there can be damage to the tissue in the penis.

Pills, Patches, Lotions, Oils, Creams etc.

These usually contain vitamins, herbs or hormones that claim to enlarge your penis. What they actually do (if you're lucky) is stimulate blood flow giving the illusion of a larger penis. Sometimes they don't have anything useful in them at all, and you should also keep the packaging in case there is an allergic reaction and you need to visit a doctor.

Legitimate pills and creams can be useful when used with other methods.


As we all know, surgery has it's own inherent risks whatever the procedure. You obviously need to consult with a urologist for this options and you will find that it's the only option they recommend (if they recommend anything). The main medical organizations in the US (The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons) have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgical procedures to enhance the penis.

Studies show that the most of men who have penis enlargement surgery aren't satisfied with the results. It might add an average of half an inch to the length of the flaccid penis and may not add any length to the erect penis.

Then there's the cost - as much as $10,000 for a typical penis-enlargement surgery, and this is seldom covered by insurance, so you have to pay for all of it.

Penis Exercises

Penis exercises do work and they are safe. They work by putting the penis under pressure, thereby slowly lengthening it. This method has been used for centuries, although not much research has been done into it.

You do need to stick to the recommend schedule and exercises - just doing it every so often when you remember at home just isn't worth it. It can take some time as well.

Penis exercises, as well as pills etc. can be used to enhance other methods.

Traction Devices

Traction devices are the best option when it comes to penis enlargement. They are safe and they work. They are more expensive than exercises but they do have better results.

They work by applying controlled force to stretch the penis. It is done slowly with the minimum of force so there is no damage. Again, you need to follow the schedule strictly. If you do, you can will see results in a few short weeks. As well as helping to achieve your goal, you can see the results and that gives you more confidence that it will work.

Getting information about all these methods will make your decision easier. Information is key. Make the right choice and you will see gains fast - and that can make a huge difference to your life.

For more information on how the SizeGenetics system worked for me, go to Does Penis Enlargement Work? For general information on penis enlargement the best place to start is Penis Enlargement.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Homemade Penis Extenders - Are They Worth It?

Penis extenders are THE thing in penis enlargement these days. They work so well that people are starting to try and made their own devices at home.

Well, cheap doesn't always mean safe. Perhaps you would want to hang a rock from it? Use a vacuum cleaner in some way? I know these examples are a little silly, but you are risking more than the few dollars you might save.

Homemade penis extenders just aren't safe enough when it comes to penis enlargement. You can't replicate the smooth finish and precise measurements you find with the professional devices in you garage or workshop at home. Also, penis extenders need to be balanced and a homemade penis extender will never be perfectly balanced.

Homemade penis extenders are simple to build and don't cost much. You can find a lot of information and tips on the internet on how to made one. However, there isn't a lot of information on what to do when something goes wrong and you end up in the emergency room.

The most common risks with homemade penis extenders are:

Cuts and bruises - You get cuts and bruises because the materials you would use don't have the smooth surface to protect the skin that covers your penis. These can be very painful. If you do end up with some cuts or bruises, then don't have sex while it's healing, and use arnica oil which is a great topical agent for bruises etc. and pain relief.

Nerve and blood vessel damage - This happens when the blood flow is interrupted for too long or too much pressure is applied. If you lose sensation in any part of your penis or it turns blue/green you should go to the emergency room right away. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

There are other risks as well, that are less likely, but have even worse consequences! If you want results, and to be safe, you should get a medical device that is certified and is of high quality. You only have one penis, and there's no point in taking risks with it.

Penis extenders work very well and there are a lot of men who have changed their life with them. If you want to have a larger penis get a quality device and follow the instructions carefully.

For more information on how the SizeGenetics system worked for me (and how to get it for free, so you don't have to make your own!), go to Does Penis Enlargement Work? For general information on penis enlargement the best place to start is Penis Enlargement.

The Penis Size Crash Course

I get loads of emails from guys asking about penis size - whether it's important and how big is big enough. This article is going to tell you everything you need to know about what women want in terms of penis size, what is big enough (even what is too big) and what the perfect size is. It's important for men to know how they measure up against other guys, because penis size really sets one man apart from another when it comes to having sex. Is bigger really better? Can you overcome having a penis that is too small? And of course, what's more important out of length and girth? If you want to find out the answers simply read on an discover the facts...

I'm Mike Holton and I've spent years trying (often fruitlessly) to enhance my penis. I've tried all the products, read all the facts and I have even managed to enlarge my penis to a size that both I and my lover are happy with. I was born with a 3 inch penis. That's only half an inch over having what is medically termed as a micro-penis. I needed help and I needed it badly. Now my penis has more than doubled in size. Here are the facts that you need to know about penis size, its importance to women and its importance to you as a man.

Penis Length Penis length is often the focus of men when they attempt penis enlargement. Whether it be to impress your lover or even other guys at the gym men want a longer penis. Length is important. A woman's vagina has nerves from the entrance all the way to the cervix at the end. The longer it is the better to a certain extent.

Here are the figures...

The average length of a flaccid penis is between 3-4 inches. The exact figure is 3.75 inches.

Masters and Johnson took a sample group of 300 men and measured their penises. The longest flaccid penis was 5.5 inches. The smallest was 2.25 inches (which is almost exactly the same as my old flaccid length.

Average Erect Penis Length Strangely, the length of a flaccid penis has little bearing on the length of an erect penis. Masters and Johnson found that the average length of an erect penis was between 6-7 inches. The exact figure was 6.5 inches.

Luckily for most average guys they don't fall too short in terms of the average depth of a woman's vagina. That figure is 5-7 inches when aroused. However, if your penis is under 7 inches in length then there can be improvement to your penis length. The aim for penis enlargement should be to please your woman. So if you consider that deeper vaginas can be 7.5-9 inches then that should be your target to aim for.

Penis Girth Penis girth is far more significant for her pleasure (and yours). While a woman's vagina can't really get deeper, its ability to stretch is huge. The most obvious example of this is childbirth. While an extreme example it serves to show that bigger girth (within reason) is better. Here's why...

When a penis enters a vagina it stimulates nerves which leave her gasping in pleasure. A bigger length results in more nerves being stimulated deeper inside her vagina. Bigger girth means the nerves that are stimulated by length are stimulated more (meaning more pleasure) through a thicker penis.

Average Erect Penis Girth 79% of men have a penis girth within half an inch of each other. That average is between 4.5 - 5 inches. The girth that women can take (and enjoy) is far greater than this average.

Penis girth is what separates one man from another. Women, when aroused, can comfortably take girths of up to 9 inches! In a test with women, a sex-toy manufacturer discovered that women gain most pleasure from girth of between 7.5 inches and 9 inches.

What I did...

I discovered a guide which helped rectify my penis problems. Before I used it my penis was 3 inches in length and 3 inches in girth. Since I found a product that works my penis has grown to over 8 inches in both. It's not a quick process. It took a few months, but it works because it's based on science rather than made up pseudo-science.

If you think penis enlargement could be for you check it out...

Thank you for reading. Mike Holton is an expert in penis enlargement and general penis health issues, having been a useless lover a decade ago. He changed his love-life, and life in general around and is consequently very knowledgeable in the penis health field.

He recommends http://www.thepenisbible.com

Monday, April 21, 2008

Penis Enlarging Options - What Works, What Doesn't

This is a nice little summary of penis enlargement options.

There are actually many different penis enlarging options one can consider. Here are three common options, from the most popular to the least popular, including which one's work and which don't:

1. Pills for "Male Enhancement"

This is a very popular method people try for their enlarging goals. Its popularity stems from the many advertisements and infomercials on television. It is also popular because it almost sounds too good to be true: pop a pill for a day and after a few weeks you get a size increase?

Unfortunately, pills for male enhancement are too good to be true. The popping a pill method has been around a while and always seems to resurface with new hopes and claims. But the results always fall far short of the claims, and tend not to work at all.

2. Weight hanging and stretching techniques.

This has been a mildly popular method for penis enlarging. It seems to make sense on the surface. If you hang small amounts of weight, you should over time stretch it out thus forcing enlargement to take place, right? Well, individuals have experienced a mixed bag of results with the weight hanging techniques. Some have claimed gains, while unfortunately others have claimed injury.

And that is really where the weight hanging techniques fall short: the safety factor involved. It can be a very dangerous technique if you don't follow the protocol to a tee, thus usually not making it worth the attempt for enlargement.

3. Jelqing and Enlarging Exercises.

Jelqing involves exercising by repeated massaging movements, using only your hands. This increases blood flow and encourages greater size in both length and girth, to take place.

Jelqing has now combined with other enlarging exercise techniques which have proven to be very effective and a legitimate way to increase size. It's much safer than weight hanging techniques, and obviously much more effective than popping pills.

Because it is "exercise" and does require effort to see results, it's not as popular as the other methods. But, once people begin experiencing results, the effort proves to be well worth it.

Here's one of the best penis enlarging exercise programs available on the net, with obtainable results of 1-3 inch increases - http://getbigdong.blogspot.com/

The routine takes only 6 minutes a day, and with continued effort, does bring positive size increase results. Check out - http://getbigdong.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Penis Enlargement 101

This is an excellent introduction for someone looking into penis enlargement.

It's no news: The mainstream world sees penis enlargement as fake and "complete nonsense" (as Dr. Drew from Loveline called it). Although it makes sense that many people think penis enlargement is impossible, common sense should tell you that something must be working.

The keywords "penis enlargement" bring up nearly 3 million results - a lot of information for "nonsense." The truth is, penis enlargement is very real. Just as experts in the Middle Ages swore up and down that the world was flat without any proof whatsoever, experts of our time swear that penis enlargement doesn't work. . . Again, without any proof.

Penis enlargement can be broken down into two categories: exercise and surgery. Both have proven successful, but surgery still has a long way to go before it's considered safe, effective, and worth the money (most people agree that it's none of these yet -- but it may be within 20 or so years).

This articles will go over the common penis enlargement exercises many men have used to make their penis bigger, harder & healthier.


The jelq is the backbone of every other penis enlargement exercise floating around on the Internet. Jelqing - also known as milking for its milk-like motion - is simple, but it may take a while to completely master.

The jelq exercise requires you to take an OK-grip and milk the grip towards the head of your penis. It is useful for obtaining both length and girth, although different techniques can help you obtain one of more than the other.

No one is sure where the jelq came from, or how the jelq came to be such a sought-after exercise. Rumor has it that jelquing is an ancient Arabic penis enlargement exercise, although there isn't any solid evidence for this. Jelqing techniques vary, but they all involve milking the penis.

Important note: For one reason or another, a lot of misinformed Web sites and books claim that jelqing is a "fine art of masturbating." It's not. When jelqing, you're not completely erect, and the goal is to push the blood towards the head of the penis, not to stroke it. You can learn more about the jelq in detail, how to do it effectively, why it's important, and much more with the penis enlargement book, Exercising the Penis: How to Make Your Most Prized Organ Bigger, Harder & Healthier (which can be found on Amazon.com).


Penis stretches are most likely the oldest form of penile exercising and are useful for obtaining length. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of different ways to stretch the penis, all of which provide a unique type of stress that gradually causes growth.

Stretching is safe, although it can be dangerous if you pull too hard or grip the head of the penis. The goal is to pull hard enough to stretch the tissues in the penis, but not too hard in which you inflict pain. Finding the happy median comes with experience.

As a side note, an advanced type of stretching involves hanging weights from the penis. Again, this can be dangerous if not done properly and cautiously. That said, most doctors recommend some type of weight hanging after penis enlargement surgery.


Most men know about the Kegel. The exercise isn't new. The Kegel was discovered by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1940's to help women tighten their vaginas after giving birth.

The Kegel was later found to be just as beneficial for men wanting to improve their sex lives. Yet, for one reason or another, most men skip out on the Kegel because it's the only penile exercise that doesn't directly enlarge the penis.

The Kegel is different from all the other penile exercises in that it actually contracts and strengthens real skeletal muscles - your pelvic floor muscles (commonly referred to as the PC muscle or pubococcygeus muscle). The Kegel is an indispensable exercise for any man looking to make his penis bigger, harder and healthier. Although it's mainly useful for keeping the penis healthy and fit, several men have reported a slight increase in size by using the exercise.


Once you have these basic exercises down (the jelq, the kegel, and the basic stretch), you'll want to put it all together into a workout routine. For the first few weeks, you'll want to start with a light routine. A workout lasting roughly 20 to 30 minutes, 3 days a week will be your best bet for the first two weeks. After that, you can start to gradually increase the intensity, add more time, and add more exercises.

Just like exercising your muscles, how much you gain by exercising your penis is largely based on how much you know. If your serious about making your penis bigger and harder, than it's suggested that you get the new Penis Enlargement Book, Exercising the Penis: How to Make Your Most Prized Organ Bigger, Harder & Healthier. The book will take you step-by-step through all the important processes of penile exercising. With it, you'll learn more than 30 unique exercises with easy-to-follow pictures and dozens of workout routines. You'll also also learn how to exercise safely (which is important when it comes to your "favorite organ"), avoid the common side effects, get the most out of your gains, and hundreds of other tips.

It's important to start light, or you may overtrain. It's also important to increase the intensity as time goes on, or your penis will become accustomed to the exercises and gains will slow down. Not to worry, you'll learn about all of this and more with Exercising the Penis.

Aaron "remek" Kemmer is the author of "Exercising the Penis." He has given lectures to sexual educations classes at the University of South Florida and has written about male sexual health and penile exercising for dozens of websites. He currently oversees a completely free website, The Penis Enlargement Gym (http://www.PEGym.com).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Increasing Your Penis Girth Size

Most of the time overlooked but equally or even more important than penis length is your penis girth! Women's opinion varies when t comes to the length but all agree that a thicker penis is significantly better.

Now if that's the case how can you gain girth size? With so many male enhancement products available how do you choose the one for you? How do you know which one will work best? What are the criteria you should consider when picking such a product?

Most marketers will only tell you how good their product really is and that they use the latest techniques and technologies in girth enhancement. How much can you trust the selling pitch? Well if you consider pills, patches, creams we will tell you straight: you are only losing your time and money! Surgery is one option to add size to your penis both in length and girth.

Surgery though comes with risks. Things can go wrong for varies reasons and I just don't think risking your manhood is what you want to do! At least speaking for myself I wouldn't even consider it!

The one method I am comfortable with is penis exercises. Nothing fancy about it, nothing high-tech and certainly nothing quick. The results though will show in time and will last a life time. No side effects, no pain, no knife near my penis. That's the way I like it.

Penis exercises are an ancient method promoted mostly by ancient Arabs. An old and simple technique ad yet in time powerful and efficient.

If you choose the right exercises program you cam maximize the results in a shorter period of time. Certain programs offer explicit how to DVDs with detailed demos for ease of use. Some programs are free other require a subscription fee. Our comment on this aspect? As usual you will get what you pay for! So if you want results you better look for a program strongly backed up by customers and a reputable company providing it.

Using the right penile exercising program you will gain girth but not only as it always comes with some length gain, better erection control, enhanced ejaculation. Get the best exercise program you can afford and you will get the best results. After all is for you and nobody else!

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Penis Enlargement And Your Busy Schedule

It's hard to fit new things into your daily schedule, especially when you need a certain amount of time and it needs to be done every day. It feels as though you are always rushing around, eating on the go, dropping or picking up kids etc. Penis enlargement needs time and privacy, and needs to be done regularly. Here are some tips on how to fit it into your busy day.

Finding the time (and privacy) to wear a traction device for a couple of hours really isn't easy and it's even harder when you're not at home. Even finding a place to do some exercises can be a challenge, there are always people around whether you're at home or away.

However, with a little bit of determination and skill you can perform penis enlargement tasks whenever you want to or need to. You can wear your traction device for a long time under some loose pants or a robe. The device isn't very big and can even be covered by a large t-shirt. This way you can keep up with chores, business stuff, or just watching sports and still be able to use your penis enlargement device.

If you're away from home, or just out and about a lot, it can be difficult to wear your device without someone notices - and that can be embarrassing! You can always perform your penis enlargement exercises in a discreet place. Exercises can only take up to 30 minutes per day and they don't have to be done all at once. You can just pop into the bathroom for a few minutes, or pop back to your hotel room if you are traveling.

The best thing about this approach is that you can still continue to gain and not miss a scheduled day. It is important to stick with a schedule with penis enlargement and this means you can still stick with the program. Putting off using the device or doing the exercises can delay results and increase the chance of you giving up. It's important to stick with these things, else all is for naught.

The SizeGenetics system combines a traction device, exercises and more. For more information on how the SizeGenetics system worked for me, go to Does Penis Enlargement Work? For general information on penis enlargement the best place to start is Penis Enlargement

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Historical Background Of Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement is not a phenomenon that just started now. It has been around for a long time even as far back as in ancient times. The high clamour for it today to some people is said to be as a result of the heightened and intense state of sexual activity in this present day society.

Weight hanging as a means of enlarging the penis had some popularity in several tribes of Africa and also in Egypt where they simply place hanging devices at the penis end for the purpose of stretching the penis tissues. This method only lengthens the penis and doesn't have any effect on the penis girth. This method also deprives the penis cell of adequate blood and oxygen supply.

The Chinese herbal medicine of old uses herbal medicines like Yohimbe and Ginseng to increase sexual appetite and penis size. These herbs are still contained in some penis enlargement pills and patches still produced today. The Yohimbe is known to cause high blood pressure and any penis enlargement pills that contains this herb should be discouraged.

In Ancient Arabic civilization, Arab boys used to carry out penis enlargement exercise called Jelq. Jelq penis enlargement exercise involves regular massaging of the penis in a particular manner and ensuring blood flow to the penis. This method was very common and when done correctly, you see result within one month. It require patience to achieve result with Jelq.

The penis pump technique was invented in the 20th century. The penis pump works by creating a vacuum and make the penile cell to flow with blood and thereby increasing the penis size.

All these ancient enlargement methods still function in some ways today. Knowing all these enlargement methods will help you have a good understanding about penis enlargement and help you also to know the one to choose from.

Want a bigger size? Get bigger size tips and tricks at http://size-is-beautiful.blogspot.com

Friday, April 4, 2008

Male Enhancement - Enlarge Your Penis With Girth And Length Exercises

Using penis exercises to increase girth and penis length is a very effective method of penis enlargement. However, it is very important to perform these exercises correctly. I am going to list the exercise that is considered by most to be the most effective, but more importantly how to perform it correctly.

When it comes to penis exercises, performing the exercises correctly is crucial. A lot of men have damaged their penis after performing some of them incorrectly. With this particular exercise, that I call the ultimate girth exercise, it is very important to perform it accurately.

Many of you probably know about this particular technique, but a lot of men don't know how to perform it right. In short the ultimate girth exercise is performed by "milking" your penis repeatedly, using your thumb and index finger. Sounds very simple, and it is as long as you are doing it right. There are two important factors when it comes to doing this method right, which directly affects your outcome.

  1. When you start "milking" and before your hand reaches the head, it is very important that you remember to grab your penis at the base, with your free hand, before releasing the other hand. That way the pressure is constant throughout the whole session.
  2. Never perform this technique fully erect. Many men ignore this, and do not succeed because of it. More importantly it can be quite dangerous to do this fully erect, so keep an erection of 70% for the best results. And if you get a full erection during your session, which is quite common, simply stop until you are ready to continue.

Too many men do this wrong and are not experiencing positive results. Do this right and you are one step closer to a larger penis.

Chris is a penis enlargement expert. Visit his site for information on how to effectively enlarge your penis Effective Penis Enlargement