Friday, October 12, 2007

The Dangers of Homemade Penis Enlargement Devices

The Dangers of Homemade Penis Enlargement Devices

By Mike Laroos

The advent of the internet has allowed men easy access to information on penis enlargement. They can get information instantly, educate themselves and even order devices from the privacy of their own homes. Unfortunately, this ease of access has led to a plethora of do-it-yourself guides on how to build homemade penis enlargement extenders and devices. There are countless forums that advise men on how to build these devices and save a few bucks. The story these forums and guides do not tell, is what happens to many of the men who build and use these homemade penis enlargement devices. These forums do not mention that a few ended up in the emergency room. There is no mention of the many potential injuries that can be suffered with homemade penis enlargement devices.

Sticking your penis in a vacuum hose (yes people try this all the time!), or tying a rope around the head of your penis with a weight on the other end are not only dangerous, they are just plain ridiculous! I don’t even want to talk about homemade stretchers that have bolts and screws bought at Home Depot! What these devices lack is precision and quality. A homemade device may not be perfectly straight, or balanced. It may be made of materials that are not safe for contact with skin. There may be some sharp edges that may cut you. The list is limitless! Here are two of the most common dangers:

1- Nerve Damage. Tying a string, using rubber bands or any other type of constricting objects around the penis can restrict or even eliminate blood-flow. If your penis changes color to blue/black and/or if you experience loss of sensation, immediately stop what you are doing and go to the emergency room. This is very serious and requires medical attention ASAP.

2- Cuts and Bruises. Homemade penis enlargement extenders are often made with materials that are found at hardware stores (yes think about this for a minute: hardware store and penis enlargement just don’t go together). The materials are often rough and sharp and can cause severe cuts to the penis. If you are bleeding profusely, please get checked out as soon as possible.

There are penis enlargement devices and extenders commercially available that can give you safe and proven results. Some of the commercially available devices are medically tested and approved. One such device is SizeGenetics. It is classified as a medical type 1 device with only the highest quality materials. It has a precise traction system that will ensure even, safe and fast penis growth.

If you were thinking of making a homemade penis enlargement device, we hope that this article has dissuaded you from doing so. If you are looking for a top notch device and program, please check out Good luck!

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