Thursday, February 28, 2008

Homemade Penis Extenders - Why Bother?

If you have made the important decision to increase the size of your penis, then the urge is to get out there and do something about it. If you're a bit short of cash then you look for ways to get it done cheaper. Looking up penis exercises on the internet is a good example, or researching ancient herbs and spices.

We get a lot of traffic from the search terms homemade penis extender or homemade penis stretcher. These guys (or their partners) have obviously done the research and worked out that, at the moment, a penis extender is the way to go. Pills can't do it on their own and exercises need a lot of time and you really need to stick to the schedule.

To my mind there are two main issues with making your own penis extender.

The first is the obvious one. There is a risk with making something that will be used on the human body, and in such a sensitive place. If it is made incorrectly, or of poor materials, it could cut something or apply too much tension and then your problems would be compounded. The devices you buy on the internet are clinically research medical devices (at least the ones advertised on the side of the page are).

The second issue may surprise you.

There's no point.

You see, SizeGenetics have come out with a offer that means you get it for free. Yes, free penis enlargement.

The way it works is this:

SizeGenetics have (and have had for a long time) a six month money back guarantee. This means if it doesn't work, or the gains aren't as much as you expected, you can return it and get a full refund. They say you will see significant gains within four months so that gives you a two month cushion. That means if it doesn't work, you get your money back. So it's free.

What about if it does work? Well, SizeGenetics also have an offer to give you your money back if it does work...and here's the catch. You have to take a picture of you penis before and after; and they'll send you your money back. Just two pictures of your penis, and you have to send the pictures to them. Yes it's a catch...but a small catch. That means if it does work, you get your money back. So it's free.

If it works, you get your money back. If it doesn't work, you get you money back.

What have you got to lose? Nothing. What have you got to gain? A larger penis, better sex life, greater confidence etc. etc.

Find out how to get the SizeGenetics system for free and change your life.


Do Penis Extenders Work

More and more men are turning to various penis enlargement devices to cure their small penis problem. Growing in popularity is the use of Penis Extenders. However, I think there's some confusion about Penis Extenders and how they work. So, here are 5 simple things you need to know about Penis Extenders

1. Guys it's simple, Penis Extenders basically extend your penis or stretch your penis to make it longer. That's it. Honestly, all the Penis Extenders do the same thing.

2. If you're a man with a curved or bent penis (commonly known as peyronies disease), some Penis Extenders will fix your bent penis problem by keeping your penis straight and stretched every time you use it. Overtime with consistent use, you'll notice that your penis has completely straighten out.

3. Penis extenders stretch your penis by traction. When traction occurs on a regular basis the cells in the penis begin to multiply and mass tissue is increased forcing penis enlargement to happen.

4. When doing your research on Penis Extenders, you have to make sure any Penis Extender your interested in is a certified type 1 medical device. When these products are certified it means they are made of the highest quality material and parts and were made in a facility that is government approved. Do not buy imitations for a cheap price because all you'll get are cheap parts and material that will damage your skin severely. It's not worth it!

5. Make sure any Penis Extender you're interested in has been tested in Clinical Trials. It's very important that these Penis Extenders have been tested on various men to see if there actually was any penis enlargement, how many men actually increased their penis size, how many months did it take for these men to increase their penis size, did any of these men receive any damage from using these penis extenders and more. It always goods for these products to be tested thoroughly before being used by millions of men.

Mac is the manager of an online website that reviews and recommends the best Penis Extenders for penis enlargement.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why Ladies Would Always Prefer A Bigger Penis

Are you wondering why ladies tend to prefer big penises to small ones? The following explanations would give you an understanding on why ladies can't help but love bigger penises.

Explanation 1 - An erect big penis is far more visually pleasing to women than an erect average or small penis. This is to be expected, as we do not have to go through any debate. Men prefer women with pretty faces, big breasts, wide hips and big buttocks. This is something we all know so it is with women they have their own preferences when it comes to men's body parts. This particular preference just has to do with what women view as sexy. The sight of large erect penis is sure to put most women into overdrive.

Explanation 2 - Asides the fact that an erect big penis is sexually stimulating to women, the preference for a bigger penis by women also stems from the increased feeling that most women would have when having sexual intercourse with a man with a big penis. A bigger penis makes women more open to achieving orgasms. The eagerness of being penetrated by a large penis makes a woman's vagina to be extremely wet before foreplay even begins. This particular reason is why men with bigger penis are much more capable of giving women multiple orgasms even though celebrity sex therapists would have us believe that size does not matter. If you asked this question to all women that which would they prefer a man with an 8 inches penis or a man with a 5 inches penis all other things being equal, all women I MEAN ALL WOMEN would prefer the man with an 8 inches penis.

Explanation 3 - One thing that you have to understand is that the anatomy of the female genitals is totally different from the male genitals. A woman's vagina has nerves located around the walls of the vagina and deep into the vagina. Although stimulating a woman's clitoris is one way to give her an orgasm, such orgasms are short lived and with time they become boring. When a woman achieves orgasms by a combination of vaginal and clitoral stimulation by a long, thick and powerful penis, the feeling is more prolonged and much stronger and powerful than that of clitoral orgasms. The feeling of being stretched to fullest and being penetrated deeply is something that women desire with their lovers, although this is not the case as most men have average penises. Now which woman would not prefer a bigger penis that is sure to give her more pleasure in bed than a small or an average one?

Explanation 4 - One of the things women who have well endowed lovers say about their lovers is their high level of sexual confidence. This is usually very low in men with small or average penis who are constantly worrying about whether they are big enough. When you are constantly worrying about your penis size your performance in bed becomes very poor. You only leave room for problems like premature ejaculation and loss of erection to creep in.

So with all this explanations pointing to the reasoning that a bigger penis is better, you might be wondering how you can increase your penis size safely. For starters avoid anything that involves surgery. The risks and the exorbitant price are not worth the results you would get. Some men have actually succeeded in enlarging their penis safely and without paying a hefty fee to any surgeon. How did such men do it? Well I increased mine by the combination of penis enhancement exercises and a herbal penis enhancement pill. The penis enhancement exercises manually stretched and expanded my penile tissues while the herbal penis enhancement pill aided in penis growth and healed my worn out penile tissues when I exercised.

Do you want more information on how you can achieve a bigger penis size by the use of a quality herbal penis enhancement pills and penis enhancement exercises visit:

Temitayo Olatunde is passionate about educating couples both young, middle aged and old on how they can enjoy a great sex life. Visit his blog where he discusses a lot more on how to achieve an explosive sex life!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why Penis Enlargement Pills Only Gives Temporary Results

Nowadays, penis enlargement products are very easy to find on the internet. There is no need for men who has a small size penis suffer for any longer. Products like penis enlargement pills, exercises, penis extender device or even a surgery can help you deal with the small penis issue easily. So, if you are looking to increase your penis size with penis enhancement pills method, I will provide you with the key secret on how to achieve your desired size permanently. Because without it penis pills will only gives you a temporary results, although it will certainly boost your sexual performance and confidence.

Now, let's talk about why the penis enlargement pills won't give you any permanent gains. The natural ingredients in most of penis pills will only help to improve the blood flow within the penile region, resulting in larger and harder erections. However, if you stop taking the pills the flow of your blood will then turn back to normal, thus your erection will be at the normal state before you are using the pills. This blood flow issue can be easily overcome with this secret; Penis Exercises. Yes, this is the secret. The exercises will slowly stretch the penile tissue over time to allow more blood to enter the penis spongy tissue. Penis exercises will make small scars in the tissue, and these scars will then heal overnight. Over time this process will creates more length and girth of your penile size, and the results will be permanent.

However, if you don't perform the exercises properly, you will be risking both your penis and your health at the same time. Fortunately, there is an alternative method that won't require you to do anything besides wearing it for the recommended time. This method requires you to use a penis extender device. Penile device has been backed medically and it is clinically proven to work to increase not just the length of your penis but also its girth and the results are permanent.

Now that you know why taking pills alone won't give you any real long term benefits, but it will give you a better and bigger looking erections, although they are only temporary. So, for those of you who want to seriously add some size and strength, combining a daily exercises or extender device with the pills will be a great start.

The #1 rated penis enlargement pills is available on the market. Increase your penis size up to 3 inches safely and fast without any side effects at all. Combined with cheaper penis extender device can help improve and satisfy your sex life with more performance and confidence. Visit for more info

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2 Proven Ways To Fix Your Annoying Penis Curve Naturally

Having a penis that bends slightly or very much to the left, right, up or down can be annoying and something you would rather fix, than leave alone.

Fortunately there are natural ways to get rid of the curve, and you can fix a penis curve right there at home.

Natural methods to straighten a bent or curved penis:

  • Penis straightening exercises
  • Penis extenders

Some penis enlargement exercise sites, which have techniques to help you increase your penis size in length and girth, also have special exercises to dealing with, or straightening, your penis curve.

Some exercise techniques are actually very effective in fixing a curve, but you have to realize that since you are not only trying to enlarge your penis, the exercises may take longer to give you the results you want. In a minute Ill explain how to use these exercises to get the fastest results from your exercise workouts.

Another good way to fix your penis curve that could give you faster results by itself is a penis extender. The penis extender is a modern medical invention for men looking to increase penis size but you can use it to get rid of your penis curve whether its a natural curve or caused by Peyronies disease.

The penis extender stretches your penis out straight, or tucked up or down, so you have the shorter side can grow evenly with the other longer side. Normally when you get an erection, or if its always curved, there is nothing stopping it from bending, so that's what the device mainly does. Penis extenders are also clinically proven to straighten and increase penis size, so it's a risk free purchase if you have the $300 to get one.

How to use treatments to see fast results

Using either method of exercising or using a penis traction device to correct your curvature is simple. You generally exercise your penis in a way thats opposite to the angle of curvature. For traction devices, you can adjust the screws on the device so it applies more stretching to the shorter side.

Combining approaches for faster results

For most guys who want their penis curve gone as quickly as possible, the penis extender is your best bet. Experts who have corrected their penile curvature with these natural techniques say to combine use of a penis extender and exercises to get the fastest possible results.

By stretching your penis away from the curve with the device, and using targeted manual techniques away from the curve, you can apply stimulation at many levels to get the shorter side growing evenly with the other side. Then once you are straight as an arrow, if you want extra inches you can keep using the techniques as intended until you achieve the size you want.

As always with penis enlargement efforts, take the time to learn how your body works, how penis enlargement is working, so you can avoid injury while achieving the results you want safely and consistently.

George Knows is a popular Men's Health author. Discover clinically proven ways to fix your penile curvature whether you have a naturally bent penis or you suffer from Peyronies disease

Natural Penis Enlargement FAQ

Question: How do I enlarge my penis without pills or pumps or any other harmful ways?

Answer: The only natural penis enlargement way is to use a medical traction device.

Question: How do penis enlargement device work?

Answer: They use the ancient theory of enlargement. Human body responds to stretching force by multiplying the tissues and filling up the gaps. Penis enlargement works the same way a body builder builds his body muscles. A good penis extender puts comfortable stretching force which than makes the penis respond to the stretching force by creating and multiplying the tissues. This is how a penis gets bigger and the gain is permanent.

Question: Is it safe?

Answer: Yes it is safe. The penis enlargement devices my site talks about are the safest, comfortable and medically approved type I (one) device. Extender devices put minimal stretching force for your comfort and safety.

Question: Is there any device that is developed by a doctor?

Answer: Yes there is a device that is developed by a doctor who is a penis enlargement specialist. Dr Jorn Ege Siana is the MD. Of Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery (Copenhagen Denmark) in 1994 after extensive research he developed the clinically approved, safe, medical type one device (find out more on my site). Since than the product has undergone many different clinical studies and has won the trust of thousands of doctors worldwide. Millions of clinics worldwide use his extender as a safe alternative to penis surgery.

Question: How long can it take?

Answer: Each and every human body is different. What takes a month to a person you never know, could take 3-4 months to another person. However, average users start to see the result within first 3 months.

Question: Do I have to do the exercises?

Answer: You do not always have to do the exercises but than again doing the exercises can gear up the enlargement process. However it is not mandatory at all.

Question: Do I get money back guarantee?

Answer: Each of the devices comes with a full money back guarantee if you have followed the instruction properly and wasn't able to enlarge your penis within 6 months.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Do You Know The Various Penis Enhancement Methods?

There are quite a number of penis enhancement methods, which provide different levels of success to men. A brief explanation of these methods and their effectiveness are included below:

1. Penis enhancement pumps

Penis pumps work by employing a vacuum around the penis, which forces high volumes of blood into the penile tissues. The penile tissues swell up with blood to its maximum capacity and this gives a temporary increase in penis size.

How useful? - They do not cause permanent penile enlargement and they usually make the user dependent on them to achieve an erection after a period of continued use.

How safe? - The forced pressure to the penis is dangerous. Blood vessels and capillaries can be ruptured when too much pressure is applied during pumping.

2. Penis Enhancement Surgery

Surgery involves two different procedures for both increasing length and increasing girth. For penile length the surgeon cuts the suspensory ligaments that attaches the penis to the pubic bone resulting in a slightly longer penis.

While for girth enhancement the surgeon takes fat from other part of the body and injects it into the penis.

How useful? - Even though it is possible to achieve a longer penis by undergoing penis enhancement surgery the gains are usually limited to around one Inch. For penis girth although it is possible to achieve gains up to 3 inches, the fat injected into the penis in a large number of cases is reabsorbed back into the body after a period of time. Thus reducing the penis girth over time. And also in cases where the fat is reabsorbed into the body, the penis ends up looking rough and quite lumpy.

How Safe? - Every surgical procedure always carries a certain amount of risks and penis enhancement surgery is no exception. Infections, permanent scarring and badly healing wounds are few of the risks associated with penis surgery. Avoid surgery at all costs! It is not worth the expensive price!!

3. Herbal Penis Enlargement Pills

The few quality herbal penis enlargement pills available are made from herbs and plant extracts that have two major effects on the body. They increase blood circulation and blood flow to the penis and they stimulate the body to produce more of the male sex hormones (Testosterone).

How useful? - When using an herbal penis enlargement pills you are sure to see an increase in your penis size due to increased blood flow to the penis. They also give you harder and thicker erections.

One flaw is that when you stop using these pills you might lose the gains you had. This is one reason why you MUST engage in natural penis enlargement exercises while using such pills to get value for you money. These pills compliment the work done when you exercise your penis.

How Safe? - The few quality herbal penis enlargement pills available in the market are 100% natural and as such are completely safe without any negative side effects. However not all herbs are good, please stay away from any pill containing Yohimbe. Consumption of this particular herb can cause anxiety, rapid heart rate, dizziness and high blood pressure.

4. Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises

The use of penis exercises to increase one's penis size is a common option among most men seeking a safe and inexpensive method of penis enhancement. These special exercises focus on stretching and expanding the sponge like penile tissues, which later re-grow to larger sizes after a period of continued use of these exercises. The results are permanent but they take quite a while for you to achieve your desired penis size when used alone.

One method of speeding up your penis length and girth gains is by taking an herbal penis enlargement pill while still engaging in these exercises. This reduces the number of weeks it would take for you to achieve your gains.

How Useful? - Natural penis enlargement exercises are a safe, inexpensive and effective way of permanently increasing your penis size. Asides the main benefit of a bigger penis, they also give the following benefit:

  • Stronger erections
  • Improved sexual stamina
  • Larger head size
  • Explosive orgasms
  • Improvement in urinary flow

How Safe? - Natural penis enlargement exercises are the safest method of penis enhancement. This is because you are in total control of everything, your hands are the tools and if you happen to workout too much in a particular exercise session all you get is a sore penis, which would heal in a few days. And in combination with a quality herbal penis enlargement pills, your penile tissues recover faster from any excess pressure from exercising. Unlike pumps and weights where injuries could be devastating, natural penis enlargement exercises are the best option for you if you want a bigger penis.

Why get stuck with all the worries and let down that a small penis gives? If you want to increase your penis and join the league of well-endowed men then visit to know more about the best penis enhancement methods and products available to you today.

Temitayo Olatunde is passionate about educating couples both young, middle aged and old on how they can enjoy a great sex life. Visit his blog where he discusses a lot more on how to achieve an explosive sex life!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Penis Enlargement - What I've Learned

An excellent article by Mike; thanks for sharing.

I'm going to be honest with you, when I started on my quest for penis enlargement I didn't give a damn about anyone else who bought the products. The only one thing that I cared about was my penis size. I probably even wished that yours and everyone else's was smaller; you know why, to make me look bigger of course! It makes sense in a way, but I'm a good, honest, charitable man so looking back I'm surprised that when I first started looking into penis enlargement a decade ago I didn't care about the other guys on the same path...

It wasn't too long before the tables dramatically turned and I took a different view of penis growth. It was when I realized something both shocking and profound; every man who chooses to start penis growth is in danger of doing serious damage to your little man. When I started I didn't care about a community. In all honest I wanted to 'smash and grab' - to get in, enlarge my penis, and then get the hell out of there! That way nobody would even know I ever toyed with the idea to begin with. But that, my friend, was at the beginning of my path...

I figured early on that the penis enlargement industry is no holiday for men like you or I. We go in very hopeful and very naive; and the biggest problem with that is that we're prime targets for the scamsters. I was probably the worst. If you exclude penis surgery I tried everything; pills, patches, pumps, extenders and exercises.

I had 8 years of failure, 8 years of hopeless attempts at penis growth, I felt battered, bruised and broke! Scams worked against me, and took my money, more times than I'd even dare to admit to myself. But even then I just wanted to get in, enlarge my penis and get out. That all changed when I discovered a penis enlargement product that worked for me. I suddenly felt empathy for others who were going through the same struggles that I was - those who, like me when I began, didn't know what to believe.

Here is some worthwhile advice for buying penis enlargement products:-

You simply won't get a refund for something you use (extenders, pumps, weights) or something you take (pills, patches). Once you've used a product that's it - it's unhygenic to re-use returned penis enhancement products! I learned that the hard way when I shelled out $300 for a penis extender and wasn't able to return it because it had been removed from the packaging. I never found an extender/pump/patch that worked anyway, but , perhaps they may work for you.

Most products use pseudo-science (something completely false) to claim that their product works. The most common of these claims is that by forcing blood into your penis, or by stretching it, cellular regeneration takes place. You see this a lot in jelqing programs. Their 'proof' is an image of one of those Kayan women with extraordinarily long necks (the ones with rings around them). They claim that this is proof that penis enlargement is possible with force, and that cells multiply and therefore the neck or penis grows. I checked this out recently, and this is what I discovered on Wikipedia: 'the weight of the brass pushes the collar bone down and compresses the rib cage. Contrary to popular belief, the neck is not actually lengthened; the illusion of a stretched neck is created by the deformation of the clavicle.'

Please avoid these scams as they're just there to take money from you.

I found that The Penis Bible worked for me. Using this penis enlargement program my penis grew from 3 to over 8 inches in 5 months. Check it out to see if it's for you.

Thank you for reading. Mike Holton is an expert in penis enlargement and general penis health issues, having been a useless lover a decade ago. He changed his love-life, and life in general around and is consequently very knowledgeable in the penis health field.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Penis Size Affects Sexual Performance

This is a very good. interesting article. It's also interesting that I had an article rejected for being "sexually explicit" and I think it was less explicit than this one. I guess it's the reviewer you get.

With the rate at which penis enlargement products are being presented in the market today, it clear that a large number of men are not happy with their penis size. If you were unfortunate to be born with a small penis, you would definitely agree with me on this statement " a small penile size is one of the major causes of sexual frustration in women". When a man feel he has a small sex organ he tends to have a low sexual confidence and a load of other issues that come with being inadequate sexually. Most women would say that a bigger penis performs much better in bed than a smaller one. Although a big penis does not do the talking when asking a lady out, it sure gives you a whole lot more confidence than a small one.

You do not need a list telling you all the benefits of having a big penis when it comes to sexual intercourse. All men know at least two benefits of having a bigger penis size. Imagine not having to worry about sex and not having to psyche yourself up before the main event. This is the feeling men with large penis sizes have on a daily basis. Knowing that when any woman sees your large penis size she would be excited about getting in the "sheets" with you, this is an ego boost for you if you are well endowed. Although a bigger penis is not all you need to be a better lover it is a very good advantage when used correctly.

I am pretty sure you can guess the psychological benefits of having a large penis swing between your legs. There is no reason in the world to be shy around women when you know they are ogling at your bugling crotch. This feeling of confidence is glaring for women to see in the faces of men who are well endowed, as they tend to have a special ability at charming women. No matter how many bad experiences you might have had in the past the presence of a bigger penis between your thighs is sure to make you forget and give you the feeling that you can have any woman. Women love that kind of attitude in men, but be careful and don't let it evolve into arrogance.

A common question asked by men who are insecure about the size of their penis is "Do women prefer a bigger penis or not?" The answer to that question varies from woman to woman, but the vast majority of women tend to prefer big penises. Even though penis size does not automatically determine you sex skill, it is better for you to have a large penis than an average or small one no matter how skilled you may be. Most women love thicker penises while some prefer long penises, but almost all women love penises that are long as well as thick. This enables them enjoy deep penetration as well as the feeling of being full in their vaginas. In case you encounter a lady who is scared of a large penis, one thing to reassure such women is that with enough foreplay they would be yearning to be penetrated by such large penis.

A bigger penis is one thing most men desire because of the numerous benefits it gives to a man. One very important benefit is the ability to finally enjoy sex without having to worry about anything else. The desire for good sex is in every human and you should not allow you inadequacies deprive you of a wonderful sex life, considering that there are safe methods of increasing your penis size. Yea you can finally achieve your desired penis size by the use of herbal penis enlargement pills and penis enlargement exercises. The exercises work by stretching and expanding your penile tissues resulting in a bigger penis when the tissues heal and re-grow to larger sizes. While the penis enlargement pills stimulate blood flow to the penis, heal worn out penile tissues and aid in penis growth. A combination of these two methods gives you a longer, thicker and powerful penis in the shortest possible time. For more information on how you can safely increase your penis size using the best penis enlargement pills and penis enlargement exercise in the market visit

Temitayo Olatunde is passionate about educating couples both young, middle aged and old on how they can enjoy a great sex life. Visit his blog where he discusses a lot more on how to achieve an explosive sex life!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How To Tell Your Partner About Starting Penis Enlargement - A Touchy Subject

How To Tell Your Partner About Starting Penis Enlargement - A Touchy Subject
By John W Marshall

You're interested in starting penis enlargement but you don't want to get in a fight with your partner. This article is about how to handle this touchy subject tactfully.

While some guys are not sure about starting enlargement on their own, others are more than ready to take the first step. However, not all men know how to tell their partner about penis enlargement.

There is always the chance that she will not understand why you wish to make your penis bigger. She may feel that you are already adequate in that department. But you may feel differently.

So, what's the best way to handle this situation? Should you keep it from her and just do it or should you be forthcoming and tell her your intentions?

Honestly speaking, some burdens in life are just not meant to handle alone. If you are in a long-term relationship, then you already know how important it is to have your partners input.

Really, it's only right to openly share this important decision with your partner. If she was interested in something as important as breast enlargement or a face lift or something along those lines then you would WANT to know about it as well.

No matter what you decide to do, it's important to be open-minded & remember that a strong relationship should be able to endure any topic of discussion, even something like discussing penis enlargement.

The main thing to keep in mind is to not get angry, even if your partner is apprehensive about your intentions to start penis enlargement.

Since she has a vested interest in your manhood, ideally she won't mind at all if you are wanting to enlarge it. Anyways, it's your penis & you really have the right to make your own decisions. But she probably realizes that enlargement will make the relationship better for both parties & will be all for it.

Remember since it's generally accepted for a women to partake in body modification such as breast enlargement then you shouldn't have a hard time convincing her that starting penis enlargement is just as safe if not safer.

Just try to think of any questions she will have in advance so that you can be prepared with an answer. Again, the key is to be open-minded and understanding of her feelings. That's the best way how to tell your partner about starting penis enlargement.

Would you like to discuss enlarging your manhood with your partner? Stop by & let us show you how to get started today. This article is copyright(c) by John Marshall & may only be reprinted as long as this resource box is left intact.

Article Source:

For more penis enlargement exercises and resources go to Penis Health.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise - How To Perform Penis Stretching Exercise

Free Penis Enlargement Exercise - How To Perform Penis Stretching Exercise
By Rian Syah

Penis stretching exercise is considered to be one of the most effective exercises to increase the flaccid length and girth of your penis size. The exercise is very easy to perform and it takes only a few minutes of your time. However, if you perform this exercise on a daily basis, the results will tremendously help you achieve the flaccid length and girth you desired. So, keep reading the article as I will show you how to perform the penis stretching exercise safely and effectively.

The purpose of penis stretching exercise is to stretch the ligaments which keep the penis in its place. As I mentioned above, this is one of the most easiest exercise to performed. It involves gripping the head of the flaccid penis and gently pulling it forward. It is very important that your penis is in the flaccid state and not fully erect. And it is very important also that you are not stretched the penis too intense as to cause pain and discomfort, but should merely stretch the penis to its maximum comfortable capacity. Stretch the penis for about 15 to 30 seconds before relaxing. You should perform the process for 10 to 15 times to complete the session.

That's it. It's easy, right? The procedure behind penis stretching exercise is basically the same used in penile surgery. So, why would you pay thousands of dollars to perform penis surgery if you can have the same results relatively free? However, before you start the exercise you should properly warmed up the penis and after you finish the exercise, you should warmed down it. Otherwise, you could risks damaging both your health and your penis.

Because of these risks, you might want to consider joining an exercise program to guide you through the process of warming up and warming down the penis before and after you perform every exercise to help gain inches over your penis size. And the benefits of joining such exercises program can help you find out other type of exercises which can help you achieve overall penis health.

If you are looking for a great penis exercise program to help you add gains on your penis size as well as your overall penis health, Visit right now! Or you can have your desired penis length with this deadly combination of exercises and device easily and fast. Visit for more info and how to claim your device for FREE

Article Source:

You can find more penis enlargement exercises and resources at Penis Health.